Friday, March 5, 2010

Create an Environment Where There Is Room to GROW!

Many parents and leaders don't recognize the importance of creating a climate conducive to building potential leaders.
To see the relationship between environment and growth look at nature. One great example is the shark. The reason is that sharks adapt to their environment. If you catch a small shark and confine it, it will stay a size proportionate to the aquarium in which it lives. Sharks can be six inches long yet be fully mature. But if you turn them loose in the ocean, they grow to their normal size.

The same is true of potential leaders. Some are put into an environment when they are still small, and the confining environment ensures that they stay small and under-developed. Only leaders can control the environment. They can be the change agents who create a climate conducive to growth.

The martial arts environment, at least the one that I work in, is designed to grow a leader! To challenge and stretch you to be the leader you have been designed and called to be.

Are you pursuing and creating such an environment?

Live like a Champion & More than a Conqueror.

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